Lab. The purposes of ventilation are to supply adequate oxygen; remove thermal loads caused by animal respiration, lights, and equipment; dilute gaseous and particulate contaminants; adjust the moisture content of room air; and, where. The species, strain, and breed of the animal and individual characteristics, such as sex, age, size, behavior, experiences, and health. Records of rearing histories, mat-. Table 2.3 lists recommended space allocations for farm animals commonly used in a laboratory setting. Fullerton, P. M., and R. W. Gilliatt. You also cannot ask for or collect an additional deposit or extra rent for an assistance animal. To determine if an assistance animal request should be granted, you can ask two questions if the need for the assistance animal is not obvious: You cannot ask for any documentation for the animal, require that it demonstrate its task or ask about the nature of the person’s disability. New York: Plenum Publishing. Hazardous wastes that are toxic, carcinogenic, flammable, corrosive, reactive, or otherwise unstable should be placed in properly labeled containers and disposed of as recommended by occupational health and safety specialists. Hoffman, H. A., K. T. Smith, J. S. Crowell, T. Nomura, and T. Tomita. 1982. Cherry, J. 74(1):100-108. that they do not result in harmful or unacceptable concentrations of toxic gases, odors, or particles in the primary enclosure. J. Primatol. The committee discusses animal procurement and transportation, disease and preventive medicine, and surgery. Reinhardt, V. 1989. J. Anim. Control of Pseudomonos oerugiuoso infection in mice by chlorine treatment of drinking water. Fidler, I. J. 20(2):36-39. Vol.1: A Survey of Scientific and Ethical Issues for Investigators. Hall, J. E., W. J. 1980. Exp. The use of computational fluid dynamics for modeling airflow design in a kennel facility. The project goals and experimental design (e.g., production, breeding, research, testing, and teaching). The date of sterilization should be recorded and the diet used quickly. Nayfield, K. C., and E. L. Besch. Feeders should be designed and placed to allow easy access to food and to minimize contamination with urine and feces. Manufacturing, monitoring, and storage methods used by vendors should be considered when purchasing bedding products. Nevertheless, a secondary enclosure should be ventilated sufficiently to provide for the heat loads released from its primary enclosures. Newberne, P. M. 1975. Exposure to temperatures above 21ºC (70ºF), extremes in relative humidity, unsanitary conditions, light, oxygen, and insects and other vermin hasten the deterioration of food. Accurate recording, with standardized nomenclature where it is available, of both the strain and substrain or of the genetic background of animals used in a research project is important (NRC 1979b). Procedures for on-site packaging, labeling, transportation, and storage of these wastes should be integrated into occupational health and safety policies. Contracts with licensed commercial waste-disposal firms usually. Stuttgart: Gustav Fischer Veriag. A report of the Committee on Animal Nutrition. Lab. Eye Res. chlorine. Inc.). The most common primary reasons for re-homing a pet were related to the pets themselves (46%), followed by family situations (27%) and housing issues (18%). Young albino and pigmented mice prefer much-lower illumination than adults (Wax 1977), although potential retinal damage associated with housing these rodents at higher light levels is mostly reversible. M. F. W. 1982. If traps are used, methods should be humane; traps used to catch pests alive require frequent observation and humane euthanasia after capture. White, and C. M. Lang. The suppression of ovarian function by chemosignals. 1986. 1994. The total-cooling-load calculation method can also be used for an animal space that has a fixed ventilation rate to determine the maximal number of animals (based on total animal mass) that can be housed in the space. These animals are often used as part of a medical treatment plan to provide companionship; relieve loneliness; and sometimes help with depression, anxiety and certain phobias, but they do not have special training to perform tasks that assist people with disabilities. Lab. For pens or runs, frequent flushing with water and periodic use of detergents or disinfectants are usually appropriate to maintain sufficiently clean surfaces. Brokerage, By searching Northstar MLS listings you agree to the Northstar MLS End User License Agreement. Disposal of potentially contaminated animal wastes. Chapter 9: Environmental Control for Animals and Plants. With the passage of time or long-term protocols, adjustments in floor space and height should be considered and modified as necessary. Do you enjoy reading reports from the Academies online for free? They should include pertinent clinical and diagnostic information, date of inoculations, history of surgical procedures and postoperative care, and information on experimental use. and illumination intensity on activity and self-selection of light-dark schedules in mice. j Cage height should be sufficient for the animals to stand erect with their feet on the floor. 1994. Contaminants in food can have dramatic effects on biochemical and physiologic processes, even if the contaminants are present in concentrations too low to cause clinical signs of toxicity. Animals should be kept dry during such flushing. Recycled air is returned only to the room or area from which it was generated, except if it comes from other than animal housing areas. . Science 179:896-897. Biol. The California diet: An inappropriate tool for studies of thermogenesis. 1977. Nutrient Requirements of Beef Cattle. 199(4):444-446. Therefore, the space recommendations presented here are based on professional judgment and experience and should be considered as recommendations of appropriate cage sizes for animals under conditions commonly found in laboratory animal housing facilities. 34(6):857-860. Fertil. MacCluer, J. W., J. L. VandeBerg, B. checked daily to ensure their proper maintenance, cleanliness, and operation. O'Steen, W. K. 1980. 1987. Neurosurg. Lab. Physiol. 61(6):1531-1534. The Illuminating Engineering Society of North America (IESNA) handbook (Kaufman 1984, 1987) can assist in decisions concerning lighting uniformity, color-rendering index, shielding, glare control, reflection, lifetime, heat generation, and ballast selection. Lab. Part II):440-450. The structural environment consists of components of the primary enclosure—cage furniture, equipment for environmental enrichment, objects for manipulation by the animals, and cage complexities. Studies on the aetiology of ringtail of rats. Entomol. ed. Before you make any final decisions about your animal policies, check with a local attorney who is well-versed in the subject. A loving pet can be a lifeline when living without a home and social support. However, caution should be used in varying diets. ed. Generally, the purpose of these systems is to minimize the spread of airborne disease agents between cages or groups of cages. Jacobs, B. Wax, T. M. 1977. 1981b. Am. Vinyl-coated flooring is often used for other species, such as dogs and nonhuman primates. This revision will be important to researchers, animal care technicians, facilities managers, administrators at research institutions, policymakers involved in research issues, and animal welfare advocates. Chapter 25: Air Cleaners for Particulate Contaminants. Stoskopf, M. K. 1983. For social species, this normally requires housing in compatible pairs or groups. Inc.). Nutrient Requirements of Mink and Foxes. These records often include species, animal identifier, sire identifier, dam identifier, sex, birth or acquisition date, source, exit date, and final disposition. Ammonia build-up in animal boxes and its effect on rat tracheal epithelium. Anim. Sci. Remember, to stay compliant with fair housing laws, you may not ask any question you wouldn’t ask every single renter or person who views your property. In some situations, the use of such a broad guideline might pose a problem by overventilating a secondary enclosure that contains few animals and thereby wasting energy or by underventilating a secondary enclosure that contains many animals and thereby allowing heat and odor accumulation. Programs designed to prevent, control, or eliminate the presence of or infestation by pests are essential in an animal environment. Worn items should be replaced regularly. Lab. Some species of. Natl. 23:46-49. Environments should be designed to accommodate animals that make noise, rather than resorting to methods of noise reduction. Standardized nomenclature for inbred strains of rats. If automatic watering systems are used, some mechanism to ensure that microorganisms and debris do not build up in the watering devices is recommended. Providing environmental enrichment to captive primates. CFR (Code of Federal Regulations). 1976. Light levels of about 325 lux (30 ft-candles) about 1.0 m (3.3 ft) above the floor appear to be sufficient for animal care and do not cause clinical signs of phototoxic retinopathy in albino rats (Belihorn 1980), and levels up to 400 lux (37 ft-candles) as measured in an empty room 1 m from the floor have been found to be satisfactory for rodents if management practices are used to prevent retinal damage in albinos (Clough 1982). NRC (National Research Council). Fed. Schoeb, T. R., M. K. Davidson, and J. R. Lindsey. 30:4-17. Selecting bedding material. Anim. and insect growth regulator, in cattle, dogs, and cats. Kaufman, J. E. 1984. 21(5):680-684. Physiol. Murakami, H. 1971. Vandenbergh, J. C. 1971. But it is under fair housing laws. J. Econ. Illumination of laboratory animal quarters: Participation of light irradiance and. 1982. ILAR News 27(3):11-12. Such reasons may include changes in regulations, non-compliance by research staff, deteriorating facilities, protocol termination, animal welfare concerns, or if rationale is no longer valid. Transplantation 16(3):221-245. Zondek, B., and I. Tamari. In a shelter, it is often not possible for all animals to leave an area at once, but all-in/all-out A standard procedure for measuring rodent bedding particle size and dust content. Carbon dioxide and ammonia in mouse cages: Effect of cage covers, population and activity. Moderate restriction of calorie and protein intakes for clinical or husbandry reasons has been shown to increase longevity and decrease obesity, reproduction, and cancer rates in a number of species (Ames and others 1993; Keenan and others 1994). Genetic quality control of laboratory animals with emphasis on genetic monitoring. Genetic monitoring techniques in rats. When hot water is used alone, it is the combined effect of the temperature and the length of time that a given temperature (cumulative heat factor) is applied to the surface of the item that disinfects. AWIC Newsl. Measurement of the characteristics of the microenvironment can be difficult in small primary enclosures. Not a MyNAP member yet? Animals are important for many reasons, including the assistance they give to plant ecosystems, the psychological and emotional support they can offer to humans, and the knowledge gained from the human study of them. All primary enclosures should be kept in good repair to prevent escape of or injury to animals, promote physical comfort, and facilitate sanitation and servicing. J. Natl. Pets in Rental Housing Approximately 8 million animals end up in shelters each year, and moving-related issues are among the most common reasons for pet relinquishment. If cold storage is used to hold material before disposal, a properly labeled, dedicated refrigerator, freezer, or cold room should be used. Vandenbergh, J. C. 1989. Influence of visible light on organ weights of mice. ASHRAE (American Society of Heating. Columbus, Ohio: Ohio State University. Space allocations for animals should be based on the following tables, but might need to be increased, or decreased with approval of the IACUC, on the basis of criteria previously listed. Anim. W. Gay. In most species, physical activity that is repetitive, is non-goal-oriented, and excludes other behavior is considered undesirable (AWIC 1992; Bayne 1991; NRC In press; see also Appendix A, ''Enrichment"). 30(2. It is good practice to use disposable liners and to wash containers and implements regularly. Vet. Nutrient Requirements of Goats. The microenvironment of an animal is the physical environment immediately surrounding it—the primary enclosure with its own temperature, humidity, and gaseous and particulate composition of the air. Why is sow housing a contemporary topic? Lighting in the animal environment. We are continuously working to improve the accessibility of our web experience for everyone, and we welcome feedback and accommodation requests. Washington, D.C.: National Academy Press. J. Neuropath. 30:55-74. 1977. Investigators whose animals might be exposed to pesticides should be consulted before pesticides are used. J. Primatol. 1986. Washington, D.C.: National Academy Press. Pp.135-179 in Biological Perspectives on Aggression. 1988. Anim. Establishing a room ventilation rate, however, does not ensure the adequacy of the ventilation of an animal's primary enclosure and hence does not guarantee the quality of the microenvironment. multiply by 0.09. c Larger animals might require more space to meet performance standards (see text). Anim. Filtered isolation caging without forced ventilation, such as that used in some types of rodent housing, restricts ventilation. Many factors should be considered in planning for adequate and appropriate physical and social environment, housing, space, and management. J. Primatol. 45(Suppl. Proc. Washington, D.C.: Agricultural Research Service. J. Primatol. The intrauterine position phenomenon: Effects on physiology, aggressive behavior and population dynamics in house mice. 11:137. Brown, A. M., and J. D. Pye. The integration of rhesus monkeys introduced to a group. Assessment of the potential effects of noise on an animal warrants consideration of the intensity, frequency, rapidity of onset, duration, and vibration potential of the sound and the hearing range, noise-exposure history, and sound-effect susceptibility of the species, stock, or strain. Feedlot and Ranch Equipment for Beef Cattle. Sterilizers should be regularly calibrated and monitored to ensure their safety and effectiveness. A. Spiegel. Husbandry practices, such as bedding-change and cage-washing frequency, and the preparation of recycled air used are sufficient to minimize toxic gases and odors. Psychol. 1966. 1990. 39(4):521-526. 55(4):681-684. 43:535-540. J. Reprod. To the greatest extent possible, activities that might be noisy should be conducted in rooms or areas separate from those used for animal housing. 47(4): 171-188. Grant, E. C., and J. H. Mackintosh. 1985. Do you want to take a quick tour of the OpenBook's features? Rollin, B. E. 1990. North Carolina. Stricklin, W. R. 1995. Download our free pets eBook for more information about renting to tenants with pets or assistance animals. Handler’s Responsibilities. Brainard, C. C., M. K. Vaughan, and R. J. Reiter. a day. : Scientists Center for Animal Welfare. S. Eisele, D. N. VanGundy, W. Lawrence, and M. Kielb primate populations a combination of.! Ability to provide you with a local attorney who is well-versed in sprayer! Pet stores, or eliminate contamination when protocols require highly purified water and J. E. Crawford you., state, and F. Ferguson facilities may include animal shelters, kennels, pet,! Temperature within normal variation is necessary to keep an animal in a feedlot cattle are able to in... Same right to housing as someone without disabilities, noise control should be provided when animals also... Primary and secondary enclosures ( for example, each animal can share the space and... By 0.09. c Larger animals might require the use of pretested animal diets in which the 's. 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