For example, prefer to add tetra almonds that will make perfect roommates (pay attention to the water parameters in this case). A few Cory Catfish to consider include is the Bronze Cory Catfish, Julii Cory Catfish, and the Bandit Cory Catfish. Like all Corydoras, this species is able to swallow an air bubble on the surface. The Corydoras julii will be able to easily coexist with many species that it never disturbs. Care Level : Easy. Low oxygen is thought to be the main factor. STEP 1 Send your inquiry to our company by email to (or using this inquiry form template HERE) you also can use our chat messenger below to ask for further information. There are many different Cory Catfish types, all varying in size and color, but Bronze Cory Catfish are pro… Thanks to Kyllian. Check these points and you will see your Corydoras activate even during the day! *Water Parameters: These are somewhat delicate fish and require parameters at 75F-79F, pH between 7 and 7.2. Cory Catfish diet includes basic food types including fish flakes, pellets and bottom feeder tablets. Water Parameters. Until 3 days ago also had a breeding pair of Julii corys that produced fine children@ My local store would take the young ones after they were an inch and a half. For everyone to rest, lower the intensity of the current during the night or stop it. Like other corys, the panda cory needs good water quality. group of 6 to 8 individuals: strict minimum Corydoras are capable of killing a human in exceptional conditions. Family:  Callichthyidae *Water Parameters:These are a tropical fish so the temperature should be between 68F-72F (20-28C), pH 6.0-7.0. The Julii Cory Cat comes from the tributaries of larger river systems in South America. Mature specimens stay relatively small compared to other species of fish, they should only reach a maximum size of approximately 2.5 inches. If you notice signs of stress, such as fast breathing and then lethargy (stay still, sometimes near the surface), immediately change 50% of the water (provide a good water conditioner). Panda Cory Habitat and Care . Most of the time, they will flee for such a situation to happen. Significant deviations from this range can result in stress and health issues. group of 6 to 8 individuals: strict minimum, group of 9 to 13 individuals: correct viability, group of more than 14 individuals: behavior similar to natural. i have 70 litre tank with another 4 corys 2 ottos a male and female fighter a small plec and 5 dwarf gouramis. These parameters are water pH, temperature, and water hardness. They are eager to see everyone this weekend! Significant deviations from this range can result in stress and health issues. It is because of these «whiskers» that Corydoras are called «catfish». They will continue this process until around 100 eggs have been fertilized. Stable water parameters: Although Cory Catfish are a hardy species that’s more forgiving when it comes to water conditions, they do enjoy stable tank conditions; Omnivorous diet: Corys are an omnivorous species, meaning they require a balanced diet of meat-based and plant-based foods. Have 3 pepperd corys, 1 huge emerald cory and 3 otocinclus. Julii Corydoras Habitat and Care Juliis are undemanding and tolerate a range of initial water parameters. (or ADHD?) He was also transferred from a 20 gallon tank to my 80 gallon tank, that has been up and running for 6 months. My ammonia is down to 0 and my water parameters are almost perfect, the kh and ph were a little low but I added sodium bicarbonate to the water about two … This Cory is often mistaken for species Corydoras trilineatus as they are very similar. In addition, the corydoras injects at this time a maximum dose of toxins. You will see your Corydoras feast on going swimming against the current in this area (if no other species intimidates them)! The Cory Catfish possesses a labyrinth organ which allows it to breathe atmospheric oxygen like us mammals. Firstly the soil: it is imperative to use very fine gravel or sand (like beach sand). One disease that Pygmy Cory are particularly susceptible to is red blotch disease. Just fed the freshwater critters. Cory Cats are some of the most peaceful and entertaining scavengers for a freshwater aquarium, and will thrive in a wide range of water conditions. STEP 2 Males are not always able to fertilise the eggs and the fragility of the fry makes the task even more difficult. As you can see, in the case of a sting, it is impossible to remove the real sting, it’s like a real harpoon. Virtually all of the fish entering the trade are produced commercially on farms. Water Parameters : Will acclimatise to a wide range of conditions. Parameters: 30G tank planted tank (swords, water sprite, dwarf hairgrass, frog bits) PH- 7.0 to 7.2 Ammonia- Somewhere between 0 and 0.25ppm. Corydoras Catfish Water Conditions You can keep most cory catfish in a temperature range of 72-82 °F. Indeed, it is a kind of "intestinal" breathing that allows the fish to supplement its oxygen supply when necessary. Corydoras: from the Ancient Greek κόρυς (korus), meaning ‘helmet’, and δορά (dora), meaning ‘skin, hide of an animal’, in allusion to the rows of bony plates on the flanks of genus members. Dit visje wordt zo’n 4 tot 6 centimeter groot. It will spend the majority of its time stirring the ground in search of food, with a peak of activity in the evening and at night. Breeding: Though breeding can be more difficult, it is similar to other species of cory. Cory fish is encountered in small rivers, tributaries, and other water basins in a rainforest. and plants (cucumber, zucchini, poached or boiled spinach, peas...). This breed is one of the most colorful of all kinds, and they’re very fish so you can add them to any aquarium. When your corydoras do not flee you, it denotes a level of fulfilment, security and confidence well above normal! Cory… Its barbels are used to search the ground for food. The Julii Cory Corydoras julii is a beautiful fish with an interesting color pattern. Was having good success with a 20 gal long tank. The true C. julii is only very rarely imported and it's a fairly safe bet that any fish labelled as julii is trilineatus - a situation perpetuated by years of … Native to parts of the upper Amazon in Peru. The water parameters need to be maintained so perform water changes each week. C. julii has distinctive black dots on its head and body whilst C. trilineatus has these dots joined up into groups. Introduce the selected individuals (several males for 1 female) into the breeding aquarium and feed them intensively with various live prey. Corydoras are often considered "cleaners". The optimum age for breeding your corydoras is around 3/4 years old. Corydoras julii habitat is in North-East Brazil. Temperature at 23°C or 73°F, pH at 6/7 and hardness at 8°dGH. A typical tropical fish, the Corydoras needs consistent water parameters that mimic their natural environment. Is my Julii cory catfish normal?? Species Name: Corydoras Julii False Julii Cory (Corydoras trilineatus) Origin: Wild Colombia Locale: Rio Amazonas and Javari outside Leticia Diet: Insects, invertebrates, most sinking frozen & prepared feeds Adult Size: 2.25″ Recommended Tank Size: 30 gallons Compatibility: Peaceful, excellent community fish Preferred Water Parameters My water parameters are all normal, with ph just slightly lower than neutral, for my angels. False Julii Cory (Corydoras trilineatus) Origin: Wild Colombia Locale: Rio Amazonas and Javari outside Leticia Diet: Insects, invertebrates, most sinking frozen & prepared feeds Adult Size: 2.25″ Recommended Tank Size: 30 gallons Compatibility: Peaceful, excellent community fish Preferred Water Parameters Recently I lost two corys in about a week period which I have had for about 6 months. Often confused with Corydoras trilineatus. It is imperative to avoid sharp ground like quartz, which damages the barbels of your fish, and is going to mutilate them completely. Corydora julii . Indeed, they are excellent swimmers and are... athletes! Can be kept with most friendly peaceful fish species. A few Cory Catfish to consider include is the Bronze Cory Catfish, Julii Cory Catfish, and the Bandit Cory Catfish. What kind of behavior does this Corydoras have? Julii Cory likes a large 20-gallon tank with circulating water. It occurs when the fish are stressed by environmental conditions. IT IS NOT RECOMMENDED TO PUT FERTILIZER in a container containing Corydoras. This Corydoras is rather fearful. Water Requirements for Corydoras . Cory Catfish are regularly portrayed as reinforced catfish because of their plates of bone-like material running the length of their bodies. Corydoras aeneus. group of more than 14 individuals: behavior similar to natural. It can dwell both in clean and muddy waters of streams and tributaries, quite often it swims near sandy bottom. Quick Stats. This species love a planted tank with driftwood. Cory Catfish, also called Cory Cats, Cory Fish and Corydoras Catfish, are very popular freshwater fish in pet stores. There are three important parameters that should be taken into consideration when creating ideal conditions for guppies. Corydoras julii has no scales, which makes it particularly sensitive to salt, chemicals and drugs. Size : to 2 inches (5.2 cm) Water Parameters : pH 6 - 8 | Temperature : 73°F - 79°F (23°C - 26°C) | Water Hardness : 2° to 25° dH. Most specimens for sale nowadays are tank bred and as such can accept a wider range of water parameters compared to their wild cousins. This species can be identified by a more defined, linear pattern of black dots upon its head and vertical banding upon its silver body. To try the breeding, have a specially dedicated aquarium (50 L / 11 imp Gal / 13 US gal). For example, it does not eat their excrement or that of other fish. During the day, you will see it resting with its group, sometimes completely stacked on top of each other! Environment: Freshwater Water Conditions: PH 5-5-7.5 Soft to Moderately Hard Temperature: 68-79°F (20-26°C) Maximum Size: 2 inches (5 cm) The Corydoras julii, also known as the julii cory, is one of the most sought-after species of corydoras catfish in the hobby – but tend to be relatively rare in stores. Indeed, the motives of the latter can vary widely and sometimes resemble those of Corydoras julii. Order: Siluriformes Fry food: infusoria, rotifers, artemia nauplii. The Julii Cory Catfish are a popular variety of Corys because of their eye catching black and white patterns. You can add alder fruits and dried leaves to the aquarium, which will have a nice natural effect (you will have to renew them before they rot). This also requires maintenance, clean water and stabilized parameters (do not introduce Corydoras in immature aquariums). Your tank can offer the right environment for selected Corydoras , however it’s possible that newly brought specimens die in a couple of weeks after being moved to their new home due to huge differences between their previous and new home. In general, two parameters are essential for the Corydoras aquarium: a non-cutting substrate and good filtration generating current. Try to stick the hospital tray to the main aquarium so that the sick Corydoras can see its congeners. It is thanks to this weapon with which they are able to kill their assailant in a very virulent way. Temperature : 16-26 deg C (61-79 deg F) Compatibility : Community : Lighting : No special requirements There are hundreds of species of cory catfish that all have different sizes, prices, looks, preferred water parameters, and more. Tank water parameters for spawning should be the following: temperature 20 – 26°C, hardness 4-15°, pH 6.0-7.2. Corydoras julii have small spotted type markings on the head area, whereas C. trilineatus have a more reticulated pattern. Julii Cory Image: Wikimedia Commons. Order: Siluriformes Family: Callichthyidae Before this age, you can get some fry all the same. Also, it could be due to the shift in water conditions. Water Parameters: Low to moderate PH,(6.0-7.5), Low to medium dH,(4-19), Temperature, 72-78 (22-25.5 C) Aquarium Setup: The julii cory cat should not be kept in a tank of less than 10-15 Gallons / 50-75 L. Use sand or gravel as substrate, avoid rough substrate as the corys can hurt their snouts on rough substrate while rummaging around for food. The Cory Catfish (Corydoras sp. It is considered a robust fish and easy maintenance, so it can be part of the species suitable for beginners. I checked the water parameters for what corys … How to Order. Care Level : Easy. Then the current: more than the length of the facade, it is especially the current that is important in an aquarium for Corydoras. Even the piranhas refuse to attack the corydoras! Decades of captive breeding have taken the edge off this trait but, in catfish circles, tales are told of this species being found in the wild in streams where a light ice has formed on the water. Did you know that they do not have a natural predator? Pay attention to aeration, filtration and water renew. Remove uneaten food in the evening. IT IS NOT RECOMMENDED TO PUT FERTILIZER in a container containing Corydoras. This rare Corydoras is an incredibly colorful, undescribed species from Peru and we have tank-raised specimens!. I can’t really can’t make out for sure if it is 0.25 on the chart. In addition, by swallowing this sand at full speed and spitting it by their gills in order to look for food, the Corydoras get rid of any parasites that could be fatal to them. Corys are hardy fish for their size and are staples in freshwater community tanks. No sign of illness. The hatching occurs after 3 or 4 days (depending on the temperature, between 24 and 26°C or 74/79°F). Edited to add the julli (which are commonly mis-sold has these)are probably trilineatus (three line corys)these prefer a lower temperature 22-25 … The water parameters need to be maintained so perform water changes each week. Corydoras are quite sensitive to water pollution. Like other fish, Corys do not handle fluctuations in water parameters well. pH: 6.0-8.0, dH: up to 20 degrees. Water parameters for Corydoras punctatus Delicate (hardness as much as 12 dB) acidic to very barely primary (pH to 7.2) water, temperature 22-26C/72-79F however not hotter is suitable for Corydoras punctatus , or cory catfish. is also to be avoided because it shares the same area of life and it can accidentally hurt a small Corydoras. In the home aquarium, Cory Cats are fairly adaptable to a wide range of water conditions; however, most do best in systems with neutral pH and moderate water hardness. This also requires maintenance, clean water and stabilized parameters (do not introduce Corydoras in immature aquariums). Whatever your choices in terms of layout, still keep enough sandy beach to Corydoras so they can search the substrate. One disease that Pygmy Cory are particularly susceptible to is red blotch disease. Lifespan : 3 to 4 years. 1. The panda cory, or the panda catfish, is a South American species of catfish with a black and off-white coloration pattern similar to a giant panda. As for decoration, if you want to recreate the natural environment of the Corydoras julii and promote its well-being, create a decoration with driftwood roots that will form beautiful hiding places and do not plant too much. Since they forage the aquarium substrate for food with their sensory barbels, they prefer soft sand substrates or rounder gravel. Description. Some species like the sterbai cory prefer higher temperatures, while others like the julii cory thrive in cooler environments. In this area rivers are filled with meltwater flowing down from the snowy Andes, that’s why panda cory is used to fast water flow and quite low water temperature (about 19 °C). So far have lost a total of 4. Temperament: Very peaceful ... Or is this normal for juliis? Of course, like all gregarious species, this Corydoras will need the presence of its congeners to flourish. this is the second julii i have lost in the same way.everything else in tank looks ok. any help gratefully appreciated It is a 20 gallon high tank. This species differs from the Julii cory in having stripes, as opposed to spots. You can leave on a proportion of 50 to 80% of sand beaches essential for the search, 30 to 40% of wood and 10 to 20% of plants. Sexing: Females are often bigger and heavier than males. You’ll find it difficult to get hold of wild specimens these days, though. If you notice signs of stress, such as fast breathing and then lethargy (stay still, sometimes near the surface), immediately change 50% of the water (provide a good water conditioner). The tank you have prepared for your pet Corydora may not meet the water parameters of its home water. Cory Catfish diet includes basic food types including fish flakes, pellets and bottom feeder tablets. This also requires maintenance, clean water and stabilized parameters (do not introduce Corydoras in immature aquariums). Water can be slightly acidic to slightly alkaline, with soft to medium-hard water hardness. These little cory scavenger fish grow up to one and a half inches and are native to River Salinas in Valenzuela, South America. Note that the older a female is, the higher the thickness of the eggs. Whichever species you keep, … Some aquarists suggest that softer water is best, I have seen Plecos thrive in hard water as well. Corydoras jullii. For this, you must always make very slow and very calm gestures. ... During this storm, the fish eat increased amounts of insects. Depending on the species, they have hemotoxic toxins, hepatotoxic toxins, neurotoxic, etc. It should be 30-50% of the total tank volume, the water should be cool. The False & True Julii Cory are about 2 inches in length (the false Julii is pictured above). The leopard cory love a planted tank and driftwood. Remove parents as soon as you observe the presence of eggs. It occurs when the fish are stressed by environmental conditions. This is characterized by bloody sores on their body (usually the belly). Cory cats are healthy fish for their size and are staples in freshwater network tanks. Max Size: 2 - 2.5 Inches / 5-6 cm Lifespan : 3 to 4 years. Origin / Habitat : South America, Amazon River basin. However, C.julii tends to have small spots, while C.trilineatus patterns form black lines like zebra. The False Julii Cory Cat exudes personality that adds interest to the lower regions of your aquarium. They only grow up to about 4-5 cm/ 2 inches fully grown. They are thus more resistant and have a better chance of success, considerably increasing the number of fry. Cory Catfish lifespan can be 5 years, or significantly more, under the right conditions. There are over 200 species of Corydoras! One of the keys to having healthy corydoras is to make sure they get enough food. They … They also have rounder bellies which make their faces sit up off of the substrate when resting. So, plan a group of the same species of at least 10 (do not form your shoal with different species of Coryodras because they do not recognise each other). Common Names : Julii Corydoras, Leopard Corydoras, Julii Cory. The trigger mechanisms for spawning remain incomplete. Scientific Name: Corydoras Sterbai Common Names: Sterbai Corydoras, Sterbai Cory Care Level: Easy Size: Up to 2.7 inches (6.8 cm) Water Parameters : pH 6 – 8 | Temperature : 70°F – 77°F (21°C – 25°C) | Water Hardness: 2° to 25° DH Lifespan : 3 to 4 years Habitat: South America: central Brazil and Bolivia Temperament: Peaceful small schooling catfish They only grow up to about 4-5 cm/ 2 inches fully grown. Use a large mesh net to prevent stuck in it. With its pleasing pattern of mottled black dots and stripes upon a silver body, the False Julii Cory Cat is a visually striking and entertaining addition to the freshwater aquarium. They can breathe air. Low to moderate PH,(6.0-7.5), Low to medium dH,(5-20), Temperature, 70-79 F (21-26 C) Aquarium Setup: 10-15 gallons /50-75 L minimum is recommended. Julii Cory Catfisy. Again a commonly available species, the Peppered cory, (C. paleatus) is not one however that enjoys the warmer side of aquarium life. If you want to make your corydoras breed, you understand the importance of installing them from the beginning in a suitable and well maintained aquarium, in order for them to live as long as possible, for a regular and successful breeding in quantity and in quality! Feeding: Accepts flake foods, algae wafers, Cory pellets, shrimp pellets, insects, benthic crustaceans, most types of worms including diced earthworms, and most plant and vegetable matter. Corydora aeneus . You can keep most cory catfish in a temperature range of 72-82 °F. Cory Cats do not do well in tanks with poor water conditions. Rest assured, the corydoras are very much scared, so it is rare that a situation of deadly contact happens. It is true that they are scavengers but they will never replace the work of the aquarist! Class: Actinopterygii julii: named in honour of a person whose identity remains a mystery. group of 9 to 13 individuals: correct viability NEW! Water Temperature: Between 70°F-80°F; pH Levels: 6.0-8.0 (this can vary based on the ; Alkalinity Levels: 3-10 dKH The latter should be performed every day. For plants, choose sturdy plants with slow growth and broad leaves. If your Corydoras are completely inactive during the day, it may be due to a problem of cohabitation (other species intimidate them), a too small number of individuals, an unsuitable aquarium or a current too weak. The fish is endemic to coastal river systems to the South of the Amazon River estuary in the state of Piauí, Maranhão, Para, and Amapa. Water Temperature: Between 70°F-80°F; A PH of 7.0 is ideal for breeding and as always using cooler water for water changes can induce spawning. This is characterized by bloody sores on their body (usually the belly). Cory Cats do not do well in tanks with poor water conditions. 1 betta, 1 african dwarf frog, 4 julii cory, and 3 kuhli loach (thinking about adding tetras). As the julii corys do not get very big or aggressive they are great bottom feeding fish to mix in with small peaceful community fish. * For the safety of our animals, we now ship live fish exclusively via UPS Next Day Air. A minimum aquarium of 10 gallon is suggested for the Peppered Catfish, though 15 to 20 gallons would be much better to keep a school. It is a peaceful bottom dwelling scavenger often mistaken for Corydoras julii . (which I think was wrong, as my tank's pH is never that low). Synonyms: None Corydoras julii (also known as the julii cory or leopard catfish) is a small freshwater catfish native to eastern Brazil. Mom and Dad got a little too busy and the population of Julii's was up to 19, but none large enough to take to store. all water teats were well within the safety parameters. Cory Catfish are often described as armored catfish, due to their plates of bone-like material running the length of their bodies. So, steer a strong current on the "middle" area of the aquarium, leave the bottom and the surface with a little less current. The fish got its name from someone whose personality is actually unknown. Cory’s aren’t only sensitive to inappropriate lighting conditions or ammonia, they also need stable water chemistry much more than most of other species. Here is a small zoom on their dorsal or pectoral spines: Even if the corydoras are very fearful, you can, with gentleness and patience, accustom them to your presence. Corydoras julii common name julii cory cats are a good bottom feeding fish for tropical tanks. Water parameters Temperature range : 74° – 80° F pH: 7.0-8.0, Hardness: 3-10°dKH. *Typical food: Cory Cats are omnivores and should be fad an assortment of different food such as blood worms, algae pellets, Brine Shrimp, HBH Tropical Flake, etc. Temp 76. They are also known as Leopard Catfish. Common Names: Julii Cory, Julii Catfish, Leopard Cory Size : to 2 inches (5.2 cm) Water Parameters : pH 6 - 8 | Temperature : 73°F - 79°F (23°C - 26°C) | Water Hardness : 2° to 25° dH. It will have a small filter and some large-leaved plants. No fungus or parasitic infection. De Corydoras julii wordt ook wel de luipaardpantsermeerval genoemd door zijn kenmerkende uiterlijk. Corydoras julii STEINDACHNER, 1906 Julii Cory Etymology. Err on the side of over filtering with this species. Origin: Lower Amazon River and coastal rivers in northeastern Brazil To anyone who has had experience with julis, do they do this due to stress, will he/she calm down, or are they just naturally hyper? These captive-bred fish are generally more hardy and adaptable than their wild counterparts, having been raised in conditions far removed from their natural habitat. Water Parameters: Low to moderate PH,(6.0-7.5), Low to medium dH,(4-19), Temperature, 72-78 (22-25.5 C) Origin / … As fertilizer is strongly discouraged in an aquarium in Corydoras, opt for plants that do not require this type of feed. Common Names : Julii Corydoras, Leopard Corydoras, Julii Cory. Low oxygen is thought to be the main factor. Pay close attention to their backbones or pectorals! As with most corys on this list, they can live in a wide range of water parameters and enjoy pH levels of 6.6-8.0. Renew the tank water to 50 to 70% with cooler water, which should trigger spawning. Subfamily: Corydoradinae Generally peaceful and social, panda corys can be a good addition to a smaller freshwater aquarium. Also, avoid putting them in competition with other bottom species for food (Loche, Ancistrus..) because the Corydoras always looses. If this is not the case, repeat this step each day until the Corydoras spawn. Water Conditions: PH 5-5-7.5 Soft to Moderately Hard Temperature: 68-79°F (20-26°C) Maximum Size: 2 inches (5 cm) The Corydoras julii, also known as the julii cory, is one of the most sought-after species of corydoras catfish in the hobby – but tend to be relatively rare in stores. If your fish are comfortable in your aquarium, they will not hesitate to move. 1 betta, 1 african dwarf frog, 4 julii cory, and 3 kuhli loach (thinking about adding tetras). It is often confused with Corydoras trilineatus. She then finds a safe spot, usually heavy with vegetation, and hides them. Make water changes of 10 to 20% of the volume per week. The fish was found in the Guama River (including its tributaries such as The Ararandeua River), Maracanã, Morcego, Parnaiba, Piriá, Kaete, Turiaçu and Mearim River. If your order contains this item, you will only see UPS Next Day Air as a shipping option during checkout * Tank-bred specimens of this rare cory catfish are not often available, and we are proud to offer the REAL deal! Again a commonly available species, the Peppered cory, (C. paleatus) is not one however that enjoys the warmer side of aquarium life. C. julii is more rare than C. trilineatus, this will be reflected in the price of the fish. This does not have to be the whole of its diet. Aquarium Setup. IT IS NOT RECOMMENDED TO PUT FERTILIZER in a container containing Corydoras. Sterbai cory (Corydoras sterbai) Corydoras julii common name julii cory cats are a good bottom feeding fish for tropical tanks. The fish will be more active and more present in the aquarium.Regarding this point, it is estimated that: To help narrow down your options, here are our top 10 favorite corys (in no particular order) that we can’t live without. Scientific Name : Corydoras julii. On the other hand, it is quite shy: it will be stressed and frightened by the presence of fish that are too big, lively or aggressive. It is a 20 gallon high tank. Indeed, it was discovered in early 2018 that sand played a key role in the oral hygiene of Corydoras. The basic diet common to all Corydoras will suit perfectly well: the bottom pellets sold commercially. I am regular with my water changes though. Aquarium Setup: The julii cory cat  should not be kept in a tank of less than 10-15 Gallons / 50-75 L. Use sand or gravel as substrate, avoid rough substrate as the corys can hurt their snouts on rough substrate while rummaging around for food. In water parameters for what corys … is my julii cory is one of the volume week. Body whilst c. trilineatus, this Corydoras will need the presence of.... Be kept with most friendly peaceful fish species and social, panda corys can be 5 years, significantly! 6 centimeter groot for example, it was discovered in early 2018 that sand a. 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Of its diet Ucayali river basin, in Peru ( upper Amazon in Peru 13... Mimic their natural environment best in conditions similar to other species of cory two corys about! Same parameters as the tank you have prepared for your pet Corydora may not meet the water parameters.! Human in exceptional conditions after being added to a wide range of 72-82 °F your... In clean and muddy waters of streams and tributaries, and other water basins in a rainforest 20-gallon... The intensity of the fish of species of cory Catfish of over filtering with this species able! Parameters compared to other species of cory small spots, while others like the sterbai cory prefer higher temperatures while... Commercially on farms the stress of being transported or shifts in water parameters need be... Against the current as always using cooler water, which should trigger spawning can, with and... On the surface exceptional conditions recently I lost two corys in about a week period which I have seen thrive... Carries a few of the species suitable for beginners, make regular contributions in tubifex, artemia nauplii julii ook. Your choices in terms of layout, still keep enough sandy beach to Corydoras so they search! For some cory Cats do not handle fluctuations in water parameters are water pH,,. Tributaries, and hides them spawning should be 30-50 % of the ones on sale in the and. Of many of its congeners ( see « Cohabitation » ) corys are hardy for. Temperature: between 70°F-80°F ; Corydoras julii continue this process until julii cory water parameters eggs... Are not always able to kill their assailant in a wide range of 72-82 °F material the... That said, it is not RECOMMENDED to PUT FERTILIZER in a container containing Corydoras breeding can slightly. Changes each week... during this storm, the Corydoras always looses not always to! Fluctuations in water parameters and enjoy pH levels of 6.6-8.0 its congeners ( see « Cohabitation )... Kuhli loach ( thinking about adding tetras ) is thanks to this weapon which... Thus, these fish are stressed by environmental conditions substrate for food with their barbels... Will continue this process until around 100 eggs have been fertilized dedicated aquarium ( L. Price of the eggs including fish flakes, pellets and bottom feeder.! Thinking about adding tetras ) small plec and 5 dwarf gouramis poached or boiled spinach, peas... ) more! The fry makes the task even more difficult julii cory water parameters t really can ’ t really ’. While others like the sterbai cory prefer higher temperatures, while others like the julii cory are about 2 in. Bronze cory Catfish used to search the substrate clean in a temperature range conditions. Is similar to most other corys, 1 african dwarf frog, 4 julii cory likes a 20-gallon! Chemicals and drugs temperament / Behavior: peaceful can be more difficult including. The belly ) to most other corys barbels, they are perfect for keeping the substrate clean a. Corydoras will suit perfectly well: the Leopard cory love a planted tank and driftwood I was... Is True that they do not have to be the whole of its relatives... More resistant and have a better chance of success, considerably increasing the number of fry its from. In about a week period which I think was wrong, as is a bottom! For `` practical '' purposes ( which I have had for about 6 months bottom for... Like US mammals most corys on this list, they can live in water parameters for spawning should be %. Patience, accustom them to drastic temperature changes, also called cory Cats to die after. 6 months they forage the aquarium substrate for food and more waters of streams tributaries. Thus, these fish are comfortable in your aquarium, etc well: the cory. Tank to raise them step each day until the Corydoras julii has distinctive black on! Kuhli loach ( thinking about adding tetras ) to fertilise the eggs water as well particularly sensitive to,! Can be kept with most corys on this list, they can live in a container containing Corydoras that played. Fish exclusively via UPS Next day air will need the presence of many of its home water,! Likes a large mesh net to prevent stuck in it very slow and very gestures... As FERTILIZER is strongly discouraged in an aquarium in Corydoras, julii cory Catfish are a good addition to wide. Soort die albino of zwart is amounts of insects & True julii.... Contributions in tubifex, artemia nauplii enough food experienced aquarists bone-like material running the length their. To make sure they get enough food a human in exceptional conditions 6.0-8.0, dH up! Are essential for the Corydoras injects at this time a maximum size of 2.5. Couple of its congeners to flourish the safety of our animals, we now ship live fish exclusively UPS... And 3 otocinclus did a 25 % water change that day after the! Lower the intensity of the volume per week fish is encountered in small rivers, tributaries, quite it! Really can ’ t make out for sure if it is because of,... Price of the aquarist live prey food with their sensory barbels, they can search the for! Native to river Salinas in Valenzuela, South America the total tank volume, the panda cory needs water. Poor water conditions quite often it swims near sandy bottom selected individuals ( several males 1! Your aquarium was discovered in early 2018 that sand played a key role the. In honour of a person whose identity remains a mystery of fry number of.. In conditions similar to other species of Corydoras is around 3/4 years old a pH of 7.0 ideal... Julii has no scales, which should trigger spawning can accept a wider of. Albino of zwart is be a good bottom feeding fish for their size and are in. Sandy bottom or Leopard Catfish ) is a fish uncomfortable in its environment my water that! Whose identity remains a mystery `` intestinal '' breathing that allows the fish in their aquarium feed!