I have a very bad back, my mobility is crap as well, and hex bar lifts do a really great job of getting you in the correct position. Medical professionals now recognize it’s far better to keep relocating to ensure that your muscles do not become tight. Might be time for a belt and spending more time setting up so that you're engaging your lats. Note : I’ve received a lot of international correspondence regarding the protocols I use for low back rehab and I’ve been way too busy with patients and my own training to answer so many questions. Some people even use lower back pain or a perceived risk of danger for reasons to skip out on deadlifts in their workouts. Any tips for for reducing this lower back pain? Having shorter legs can make your deadlift starting position look more like the start of a clean and jerk. Good lord thank you for this. If the pain is sharp and/or persisting consult a doctor. Deadlifts … Can you try switching to sumo deadlifts? First, do a quick check on yourself for red flags. YMMV. Focusing on using my legs and pushing into the floor fixed it right away. Which direction of arch do you mean? You also want to make sure you are not lifting with your arms -- they are just there to hold the bar. Had a quick question in regards to deadlifts and muscle tightness/back pain. One of the biggest RDL mistakes is that most people treat their RDLs like a Stiff Legged Deadlift and they don’t push their hips back enough which shifts more of the load to the lower back and not enough of the load to the hamstrings and glutes. Romanian deadlifts place less stress on your knees and quads. It didn't feel right, I felt like my lower back shouldn't have been hurting like that. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, We're a community for female and gender non binary/gender non conforming redditors to discuss fitness, Press J to jump to the feed. The best way to check your form is to record your lift -- for deadlift from the side for sure. Think about it like this: use your armpit / shoulder blades to bend the bar in half (with you in the fold of the bend) and, like the commenter above mentioned, pull your lower back into a cat arch. Lower back pain after deadlifting is not healthy. I’ve done deadlifts before, but not in a really long time and believe my form was pretty good, flat back, knees slightly bent, lifting with legs, but I’m noticing lower back tightness/soreness/pain? The Truth About Lower Back Pain From Deadlifts. Can Deadlifts FIX Low Back Pain? Looking into it I think the culprit may be that I am arching my lower back too much on the lift and I need to maintain a more "neutral" spinal position. What do you do to warm up your lower back before deadlifts? Deadlifts work your upper and lower back, hips and legs. For Shrugs generally i stick with dumbells, up to 75 pounds dumbells for 12-15 reps. Sumo and conventional deadlifts are equally effective but work in different ways. - YouTube Is that concerning or because I haven’t done this exercise in a long time? Deadlift was my worst lift, my lower back did not recover fast enough beetween workouts. Thank you for the tips. Maybe use a hex bar? I cant distinguish them from another. Generally, bracing your abs and overall core will help keep your back locked into a neutral position. In addition to improving posture and strengthening your muscles, deadlifts improve your strength and power. Different styles of deadlift exist, so if you have trouble with one style of deadlift, you can experiment with another style. For face pulls I did 10x10 on day one and 5x15-20 on day three. Deadlifts at a lighter weight. I've also noticed that when I focus on keeping my abs tight during DLs I have less lower back soreness. You can perform conventional deadlifts, sumo deadlifts, trap-bar deadlifts, deficit deadlifts, block deadlifts, single-leg deadlifts, and Romanian deadlifts. Their suggestions is to keep your neck and head in the same position throughout the entire movement to keep the back of the neck elongated and their spine straight. I think in my initial setup I when squat lower I end up sticking my butt outwards. It's still a dull pain, not sharp. Studies suggest that it may also help prevent and reduce back pain. Not because I have back pain, but to really feel like I'm driving up from the ground. In reality, many lifters are likely to round their back why others usually try to arch the lower back too much by looking up too high. Bed remainder can still serve relief from low back pain, especially if your pain is so severe that it injures to stand or sit. Back pain, especially lower back pain, is really common. A deadlift is a great way to protect yourself against back injury and low-back pain. I used to get an awfully stiff lower back after deadlifting. You’re Not Keeping A Neutral Spine. I had the same thing. No shame in the slow (and, eventually, very strong) game. Any major tips on transitioning between the two? While deadlifts can help to reduce low back pain, they can also cause injury to this area. Awesome. Just a dull, throbbing, constant pain. It made a huge difference. The sumo deadlift engages the quads and glutes to a greater extent than standard deadlifts. Which deadlift style can lead to piriformis syndrome. I had a bad deadlift injury a few years ago that I am still coming back from. It’s so common that up to 8 out of 10 adults will have back pain at some point in their life, according to a Canadian study.. A lot of people think that if you’re active and lift weights (including squatting or deadlifting), you’ll lessen your chances of developing pain by strengthening your body. Yes, I realize that injuries do occur in the ordinary course of training, but lower back pain after deadlifting is the consequence of performing the movement incorrectly and not the sign of a productive workout.