BY Mark Mancini . This famous children's book has been translated into about 300 languages since it was first published in 1942, making it the 2nd most translated book. And it was translated 3 years ago. More or less the whole world ruled and dominates by Christians and they facilitates for spreading this book. It has taken position over Pinocchio, which is the world's most famous fiction series. The full Bible has been translated into 545 languages, and 2820 languages have at least the New Testament. January 11, 2016. reply | flag * message 2: by Booklovinglady (new) Aug 26, 2017 03:06AM. English-French translation search engine, English words and expressions translated into French with examples of use in both languages. Most Malgash writers write in French, and even the French-language literature of Madagascar has a hard time finding its way to English. The child narrator uses relatively simple language to delve into complex concepts including the place of African women in society and the perceived power of a French education. Click through the gallery to view 21 of the most interesting, translated-into-English novels of the past (and upcoming) year. All records listed on our website are current and up-to-date. There has been a hegemony for years of English-language books being translated into many other languages, a cultural phenomenon comparable (though much smaller in scale) to US dominance of the worldwide film market. We've got you covered. Thanks. This original Italian novel has fascinated Disney fans and the young generation around the world. It has been translated into 43 languages and was awarded the 1984 Prix Goncourt. Added 7 years ago by guest, 1 point . The Lover (French: L'Amant) is an autobiographical novel by Marguerite Duras, published in 1984 by Les Éditions de Minuit. By 1962, it made its English translation debut. On the next page, select the correct return 4. Every night, the Beast asks Beauty to marry him, and every night she rejects him until finally she agrees, only to find when she wakes the handsome prince of whom she has been dreaming of nightly. (shelved 14 times as translated-into-english) avg rating 4.14 — 2,671,350 ratings — published 2005 Bestselling American authors like Michael Crichton and John Grisham and Danielle Steele and Stephen King have, in translation, reliably topped bestseller lists around the world. 1. 2. There are heaps of fantastic (non-English) books translated into Dutch, as well as Dutch books translated into other languages than English. They’re downloadable as a .zip file that extracts into both text file and HTML format. By their estimates, Don Quixote has been translated into 25 languages and there have been 963 editions, which calculates to over 500 million copies. 10 Popular Children's Books That Have Been Translated Into Latin. Hebrew is the most famous case of a language brought back from the dead, but linguistic revitalisation has been proven to be possible elsewhere as well. Get relevant English-French translations in context with real-life examples for millions of words and expressions, using our natural language search engine applied on bilingual big data. To get an estimate of how many copies of Don Quixote have been sold since 1605, the website, calculated how many editions and how many translations classic novels have gone through. Having studied art history as my undergraduate major, I ran into this problem a lot. It also allows users to select the input method, keyboard option, and handwriting. Check out our list of incredible translated novels to add to your shelf. 17) Dragon Feathers, illustrations by Olga Dugina and Andrei Dugin, retold by Arnica Esterl, translated by Polly Lawson. Farkas publishes public domain works free of charge in side-by-side, paragraph-by-paragraph translations. Author Ernest Vincent Wright’s 1939 novel Gadsby, for example, contains some 50,000 words—none of them containing an E—while the 1969 French novel La Disparition has been translated into … Amazon. 2. First written in French, The Little Prince is about a young prince who visits seven planets, including Earth, learning about the people he meets along the way. To celebrate World Book Day we've created an infographic that takes a look at 50 of the world's most translated books, from The Alchemist (first published in Portuguese) to Wolf Totem (Mandarin). Translated into what? Most translation tools simply translate the text into language which is not very convenient when you are trying to translate text into more than one language. Available books are listed in tables by language. The books have worldwide book sales of over 6 million and have been translated into 44 languages. Since then, it has become compulsory reading in many schools around the world and has been translated into 45 languages, making Achebe the most translated African writer of all time. For a “pop-up” translation into English, just click or tap on a phrase or sentence in the original French text. Added 9 years ago by guest, 9 points . This is a dazzling novel and the English-language debut of one of Mexico’s most exciting new voices. Thanks to some hard-working … Crossing by Pajtim Statovci, translated by David Hackston (Pushkin) In addition to translating into multiple languages to save you time, you can export into a … Alibaba Pictures has acquired the film rights to the series as of 2016, though no progress has been made. But if these books are to be enjoyed all around the world they need to be translated into different languages first. It is translated into 300 languages. It was even translated into various languages including Greek, Italian and Portuguese. Related: Stunning train journeys in Latin America. Often, a book has to reach a certain level of international interest to be translated, and so obscure topics often require the knowledge of a second language. It was adapted to film in 1992 as The Lover Other translation tools. The novel caught the world’s attention upon its release in 1958. … Although the effectiveness of Google Translate largely depends on the text and language involved, it is the most popular translation website out there. In the case of children's books, Pinocchio is the second-most translated book in the world. This page provides list of most translated individual authors to date sorted by the total number of translations. The language with the most editions of the Alice in Wonderland novels in translation is Japanese, with 1,271 editions. Beyond The Rice Fields by Naivo was actually the first novel ever translated from Madagascar, and it was written in French. 1 of 21 1. In French, the novel spans some 1,500 pages, while its English translation is even longer at 1,900 pages. The number of translations the books has had ranges from Abkhaz to Zulu. Take Charlotte Brontë’s Jane Eyre: it has been translated into at least 57 languages, at least 593 times. As with the Harry Potter series, this novel has been translated into 67 languages. This list can include any book that was translated into English. The site translates between languages automatically and offers a text box that can accommodate input texts of any size. Looking for your next read? Farkas Translations. The series has also been translated into several languages. Enter the title of the book 3. Some translations, with the first date of publishing and of … Hence my question... Maybe you can add something about this in the description? It was written in Portuguese by Brazilian author Paulo Coelho and discusses destiny and the meaning of life. Malagasy will take awhile to catch up. Les Misérables has enjoyed tremendous popularity since it first hit the shelves in the 19th century. The most translated author for the same book is Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, for the book Le Petit Prince, which has been translated into 382 different languages and dialects since its publication in April 1943. The book was published in 1988 and has since been reprinted on various occasions as new generations of readers continue to buy it. Books translated from another language into English. This classic fairy tale is unusual for its length and complexity. In this version, the Beast is a visuallyterrifying yet gentle creature who treats Beauty with great care and kindness. [1] This is a dynamic list and may never be able … Do you know a foreign language classic that has never been translated into English. Let us know on Twitter @GdnChildrensBks or by email and we’ll add … English? Lewis Carroll’s 1865 novel Alice's Adventures in Wonderland has been translated into 174 languages. Geographical distribution of translations of Jane Eyre. Why Novels are Translated More No wonder that this is in the first place. Note the translated, but please feel free to add any translated book.This isn't a "best" list, just a list of foreign books that people who speak English are lucky enough to enjoy too.