"A beginner should avoid the Queen's Gambit and French Defence and play open games instead! Black, moves first. important piece in the game of chess. It is an easy and fun read for children as well as a great instructional book for parents and chess instructors and •Diagrammed Score Sheet -- for each move, a blank diagram is provided for players to keep a graphic representation of the current position. Anyway, it’s well known that the best chess instruction is largely visual. *complaints should be sent only to the author, who If the Black player does not exercise this option immediately Œ before playing some other move Œ the White pawn is safe from fien * In chess problems, " S" is used to represent the Knight. FIDE governs all world-class chess competitions. The text is minimal, but the presentation, is clear enough for even beginning students. Chess notation is easy to learn! A Beginner’s Chess Workbook is a must have for any person new to chess. rule that has stood its test in chess history and one which we cannot impress forcibly enough upon the young chess player." Chess Game Record Form Name: Opponent Name: Date: Location: K King Q Queen (9 points) 6 R Rook (5 points) B Bishop (3.5 points) 2 N Knight (3 points) Pawn (1 point) x Capture yor + Check] or ++ Checkmate O-O King-side Castle O-O-O Queen-side Castle 1¡0 White Wins 0¡1 Black Wins 1 ¡1 2 Draw or Stalemate! writing chess moves, called "chess notation". On its turn the Black pawn may cap-ture the White pawn as shown by the arrow. The Rook in Diagram 1c could legally move* (see the “Glossary of Chess Terms”) to any of the squares which have a black dot (a5, b5, c5, d5, f5, g5, h5, e6, e4, e3, and could capture the White Pawn on e2). the basics of chess—there are over 15 pages of basic setup and piece introduction, as well as a quiz after to assess the reader’s understanding of the game. In the chess-board below, the White pawn moves up two squares from its starting position. The Rook can capture any of the opponent’s pieces which are on a Of the initial 4.462 problems here. Good Move!! e5. There is a wealth of materials both in book and digital form allowing you to study the chess moves of great chess players. Teacher’s introduction to chess Running a school chess club How pieces move (Lessons 1-6) Identify squares (Lesson 1, part 1) How pawns move and capture (Lesson 1, part 2) How kings move and capture (Lesson 2) Check: king can’t be taken (Lesson 2) How rooks move and capture (Lesson 3) How bishops move and capture (Lesson 4) The King moves one square in any direction. The King may never move into or through danger and the King may •50 Move Score Sheet -- Similar to a standard chess score sheet, with additional fields for recording the date of each move. The Rook moves only in straight lines (left to right, top to bottom). The King captures in the same way that it moves (moving the King one square to the square that the opponent’s pieces occupies and then removing the opponent’s piece) [Ref: Figures 4.1 & 4.2]. Very Good Move? no matter which Algebraic Chess Notation is the fancy name for today's accepted chess language. Learning how to read and write chess notations also enables you to read and play through games of great players to learn and improve your own chess game. There are other styles but algebraic notation has been accepted as the standard by the international chess organization called FIDE. Algebraic Notation: Moves The notation for a move indicates which piece is moved, and to where: Qa3 Queen moves to a3 Kh6 King moves to h6 b4 Pawn moves to b4 Where two identical pieces could move to the same square, the piece name is followed by its original file (or rank where the 3. Chess Pieces, Moves, Set-Up, and Rank and Files To play a game, you need to place the chess pieces in their starting positions; the following figure shows you how to set up the chessboard: When you aren't sure which way to orient the board, remember the phrase "white on right."